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Taylor  – “My lucky undies – I can’t compete in anything else!” International athletics competitor 4th Junior International titles 2015 in Malaysia

Mineko – “So simple, beautiful. Such harmony.” Yoga studio owner and luxury fashion boutique owner – Australia & Japan

 Kate – “Looks great. Feels great.” Fitness instructor and business owner, Perth

Mika  –“I only buy the best, and ONJA is all I wear now.”. Equestrian competitor Japan

 Anna Koetz –“ Finally!  underwear that feels great and looks good. I’ve taken some to my friends in Germany.” Equestrian competitor, Germany and Australia”

Fiona  - as someone who suffers from MS, it's very important for me to have garments that are easy to get into and then stay put! Oh, yeah and looks great too.  

Kirsti -  “I LOVE my ONJA! I wear them for work (I’m a Gardener,) sport and every day. They are super comfy. They are cool and never leave marks on my skin. Mountain Bike enthusiast, Cairns